
Welcome to our advanced dental clinic, where we specialise in Smile Designed Digital Dentistry. Using state-of-the-art technology, we craft personalised treatment plans for a perfect smile. From precision imaging to virtual simulations, our techniques ensure precise and comfortable procedures. Experience the future of dentistry for a radiant, confident smile!


How does the smile design process work?


At Total dental care, we understand that a confident smile is a powerful asset. Our smile design process is a meticulously crafted approach that combines artistry with expertise to transform your smile into a work of art. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps of our smile design process, ensuring you understand every facet of this transformative journey.

Comprehensive Consultation

The journey begins with an in-depth consultation with our experienced cosmetic dentists. This is where we get to know you, your unique preferences, and your smile goals. We’ll discuss any concerns you have about your current smile and explore the various treatment options available.

Digital Imaging and Analysis

Using state-of-the-art technology, we’ll take high-resolution images of your teeth, face, and smile profile. These images are then digitally analysed to provide a detailed assessment of your facial structure, tooth proportions, and overall smile harmony. This crucial step allows us to create a customised treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs.


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Smile Simulation

Using advanced smile design software, we’ll create a digital simulation of your potential smile transformation. This allows you to visualise the expected results before any treatment begins. You’ll have the opportunity to provide feedback and make adjustments until you’re completely satisfied with the proposed design.

Mock-Up and Trial Smile

In some cases, we may create a physical mock-up of your proposed smile using temporary materials. This allows you to experience the look and feel of your new smile before committing to any permanent changes. It’s a crucial step in ensuring that the final result aligns perfectly with your vision.

Treatment Planning

Once the smile design is finalised, we’ll outline a detailed treatment plan that includes the specific procedures involved, the timeline for each step, and an estimate of the overall cost. Our team will guide you through this plan, addressing any questions or concerns you may have.

Treatment Implementation

With your approval, we’ll begin the process of transforming your smile. This may involve a combination of cosmetic treatments such as teeth whitening, veneers, bonding, or other procedures, depending on your unique smile design.

Quality Assurance

Throughout the treatment process, our skilled team at Total Dental care, maintains the highest standards of precision and quality. We ensure that every detail aligns with the smile design plan to achieve the desired outcome.

Post-Treatment Evaluation

Once the treatment is complete, we’ll conduct a thorough evaluation to ensure that the final results meet your expectations. Any necessary adjustments will be made to guarantee your smile is nothing short of spectacular.

The smile design process at Total dental care is a collaborative journey, combining your vision with our expertise to create a smile that radiates confidence and beauty. We’re committed to providing you with a transformative experience that leaves you thrilled with the results. Schedule a consultation with us today, and let’s embark on the path to your dream smile!