Root Canal Treatment (RCT)

A root canal treatment (RCT) is used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. The procedure involves removing the damaged area of the tooth, cleaning and disinfecting it, and then filling and sealing it. Root canals are usually performed by dentists, but endodontists are specialists who focus on this type of treatment.

Root canal treatment is often successful in saving teeth that would otherwise need to be extracted. It can also help relieve pain and prevent further damage to the tooth.

When Would Your Require RCT - Common Symptoms

When a tooth’s nerve becomes damaged or infected, root canal treatment (RCT) may be required to save the tooth. RCT is a procedure in which the nerve and pulp are removed from the tooth, and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed.

Symptoms that may indicate that RCT is needed include:

  • Severe toothache that is not relieved by over-the-counter pain medication
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures that lingers after the stimulus is removed
  • Swelling or tenderness in the gums near the affected tooth
  • Darkening of the tooth

What is a Root Canal Treatment, and How does it work?

The crown and root are the two sections of a tooth. Enamel, dentin, and pulp make up the crown. Cementum, dentin, and root canals packed with pulpal tissue make up the root.

When an infection penetrates a tooth, it travels through the enamel, dentin, and pulp. Then, the infection spreads from the pulp to the root canals and into the bone beneath the tooth.

The dentist removes all infections in the pulp during the root canal procedure. Then, the dentist fills the tooth with a permanent restoration and seals the sterile, cleaned area in the pulp. The dentist should perform a root canal with extreme caution and bacteria-free tools.

How much does the Root Canal Treatment Cost in India?

The cost of root canal treatment in India can vary depending on the severity of the tooth decay and the location of the tooth. The average cost for a single root canal is between Rs. 2500 to Rs. 6000. However, if multiple teeth need to be treated, the cost can increase to Rs. 10,000 (approximately $ 153 USD). Treatment at a government hospital is typically less expensive than at a private clinic.

There are many factors that contribute to the cost of RCT, including the severity of the tooth infection, the number of teeth that need to be treated, and the type of dental insurance coverage that the patient has. However, we are proud to offer RCT at a fraction of the cost of other dental clinics.

We understand that dental care can be expensive, but we want our patients to know that we are committed to providing them with high-quality care at an affordable price.

When and why is a Root Canal Needed?

Several conditions affect the teeth, and root canal treatment can relieve the pain. If you have any of the following dental problems, you may need a root canal:

  • Dental caries
  • Attrition – Loss of tooth surface (it is age-associated)
  • An injury to the tooth
  • Deep crack in the tooth caused by biting on it with force
  • Deformation of the lower portion of the tooth
  • Exposure to extremely high levels of acid to the teeth.
  • When a bridge is used to replace a lost tooth or a fixed partial denture, the nearby healthy teeth must be treated for root canals before the bridge can be fixed.
  • When teeth discolour after the eruption, the dentist usually performs a root canal before placing a single or multiple crowns.

The Actual Process of Root Canal Treatment

  1. The dentist will anaesthetize the affected tooth. Then, make an opening in the crown into the pulp chamber.
  2. The dentist will then determine the length of the root canals to be sure about their tools selection.
  3. After Which the root canals will be freed from unhealthy pulp followed by Cleaning, enlarging, and shaping canals.
  4. The dentist will fill and seal the canals at the end of the root canal therapy. A metal post or some other supportive structure can be used to further reinforce the shape of the tooth.
  5. Finally, a temporary filling will be used to seal the tooth. A crown normally offers additional support for a tooth.

The Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. And, if you have a tooth that is damaged or decayed, it can affect your confidence and your overall oral health. Root canal treatment is a procedure that can save a damaged tooth and restore it to its original function and beauty. Here are 10 benefits of root canal treatment

1. Root canal treatment can save a damaged or decayed tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted.
2. It can prevent further damage to the tooth and surrounding tissues.
3. It can help relieve pain and sensitivity in the affected tooth.
4. It can help improve your overall oral health.
5. It can help preserve your natural smile.
6. It can help to avoid problems with chewing and eating.

Our dentist

Oral And MaxilloFacial Surgeon, Implantologist

Dr. Reecha